Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Ribbon Salad

2 pkg lime jello
2 pkg strawberry jello
1 pkg lemon jello
15 large marshmallows
1 cup pineapple juice
1 cup crushed pineapple
1 cup whipped cream
1 cup mayonnaise

Make lime jello with 2 cups hot and 2 cups cold water and put in 9x13 pan. Let set until firm. Dissolve 1 cup hot water with lemon jello. Heat pineapple juice and marshmallows until dissolved, add lemon jello and crushed pineapple. Fold in the whipped cream and mayonnaise into the lemon jello mixture. Let set until firm. Make red jello with 2 cups hot and 2 cups cold water and when it begins to thicken, pour over the lemon jello mixture layer. Pretty salad for Christmas.

Thanks, Linda, for this recipe emailed for the "Christmas Recipe Exchange Chain Letter!"

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