Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mashed Potatoes

I know, most people can make mashed potatoes. But there was seriously a time when I had no idea where to begin. Which is why I'm adding this post.

I like to put a plastic grocery sack in my sink and peel my potatoes with a vegetable peeler right into that. Then I can just ball up the sack and throw it in the trash when finished. If you have a garbage disposal DO NOT put the peels down it. I did that once... it backed up into my bathtub. Nasty. I think the landlord was laughing at just how utterly "green" of a tenant he had on his hands!

Next, just cube the peeled potatoes and put them into a pan large enough for boiling. Cover them with just enough water. And another tip I've learned through the years (and this is awesome) is to put a small glug of vegetable or olive oil (like a TBSP) or a spoonful of margarine into the water. As it boils, the oil will prevent the starch from boiling over in the pot. But still keep an eye on it.

Boil the potatoes for 20 to 25 minutes until the pieces are tender. I always think the longer the better. I don't like chunks in my mashed potatoes. When finished boiling, drain the water off (some people like to save the water for gravy). Then you simply add a splash of milk (enough to make it smooth) and a chunk of butter and whip!

You can also add sour cream or cream cheese, or salt and pepper, etc. I don't, because I like to use my leftovers in a delicious bread machine recipe for crescent rolls.

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